Monday, June 15, 2009

New Pictures Added to the Slideshow

We just uploaded 28 more pictures, from the last week or so, to the Slideshow on the side. Some of them are fuzzy, due to the fact that the churches and museums don't allow you to use flash. Enjoy!


  1. Brad, I loved the pictures! The 2 that looked like escalators in a ceramic tunnel reminded me of something scifi--cool! The one where all statues were standing on a structure out in the water was very interesting. The tomb reminded me of The DaVinci Code! But, the ones of you and Katy on the beach loungers were terrific!!! Enjoy it all for me!! I love you 2 !! Love, Mom

  2. Brad, I just read your climbing blog! You all be safe--no cliffs, please!! If you see any people in Italy that look like your Mom--they just might be kinfolk! I'd love to see the homes in the villages. That's probably the kind of place that your Grandpa lived in. They had an olive grove. I remember hearing that. Talked to Rick and he was hurting pretty much. Think good thoughts! Love to you and Katy! Love, Mom
